Ken Griffey Jr., Mariners — 1994 In what was just the second Derby ever, Griffey outslugged the likes of Frank Thomas, Barry Bonds and Sosa to win the title. He hit three home runs in the finals at Three Rivers Stadium to win.

Overall, the Home Run Derby has been a showcase of some of the greatest hitters in baseball history. It’s a chance for fans to see their favorite players compete in a fun and exciting event. Whether it’s at Comerica Park, Minute Maid Park, or any other ballpark, the Derby always draws a crowd and provides entertainment for all.

In recent years, online betting sites like Gclub and Fun88 have allowed fans to wager on the Home Run Derby, adding an extra layer of excitement to the event. Fans can place bets on who they think will hit the most home runs, or even on individual matchups between players.

The Derby has become a popular event for both fans and players alike. It gives players a chance to show off their power and for fans to see some of the biggest names in baseball compete in a friendly competition. And with the added element of online betting, the Derby has become even more thrilling for those watching at home.

Whether it’s Abreu hitting 41 homers at Comerica Park or Griffey Jr. winning his first Derby title at Three Rivers Stadium, the Home Run Derby has a rich history filled with memorable moments. And with sites like Gclub and Fun88 allowing fans to bet on the action, the Derby is sure to continue being a must-watch event for years to come.


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